Friday, December 5, 2008

A Know How.Maybe the last one..Regarding to who i am..

I'D thought for a second that you'd understand who i am.....
Every time a single life format is born, there's a different positioning of stars. Every individual has their own rising ( shining ) star. This star influences their lifes in a significant way. Because the existence if the ascendant, rising star , is totally depends to the life format.

The ascendant or rising sign, is the zodiacal sign and degree that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an event. According to astrological theory, celestial phenomena reflect or determine human activity on the principle of 'as above so below'.
Thus astrologers believe that the ascendant signifies a person's awakening consciousness, in the same way that the Sun's appearance on the eastern horizon signifies the dawn of a new day.
Because the ascendant is specific to a particular time and place, it signifies the individual environment and conditioning that a person receives during their upbringing, and also the circumstances of their childhood.
For this reason, the ascendant is also concerned with how a person has learned to present him or herself to the world, especially in public and in impersonal situations. In some circumstances, it can therefore function as a shield or mask to guard a person's real nature - in other words the 'defense mechanism' every person has to cope with unfamiliar or uncomfortable situations. The ascendant also has a strong bearing on a person's physical appearance and overall health.
The Ascendant is thus considered to be of great significance in all schools of astrology because it in effect serves as the filter through which everything in a horoscope- including the Sun and Moon- is expressed. Most astrologers believe that the Rising Sign exerts an influence equal to or more powerful than the Sun and Moon. In Jyotish, the ascendant is without question the most individual and defining element in the chart.
Another factor concerning the effect of the ascendant is the theory that people become more like their sun sign after around 30 years old, as they grow older and more confident and thus have less of a need to present a public face to others. It is also theorised that when the progressed ascendant moves into the following sign, it weakens the influence of the natal ascendant..

In other words Alinka, the more i shine , the more happy you will be...Even though you don't want your happinies to be dependent to your star...
Just a very quick example ; yesterday you made me relaxed a little....and as a result ;Look to today...You laughed a lot with the video, You are going to Paris...
Do you think among all of those cities, that you could have gone, is it a coincidence that you are going to one of the 2 cities , you wanted to go ?
There's no such a think called as coincidence.
I knew how you wanted to go Paris, or to Barcelona...
and i sacrifisied myself...
I could have focused on Comerio, too...For us, for myself...
But i have focused , i diverted my mindset, my prays, my thoughts for you to go to Barcelona or Paris...
"T" issue is very important, but how come would you expect me to continue believing you , after forgetting such a thing ? Thos morning's result...
How can i shine...
I will always ask for your happiniess...
But when it comes to mine ....
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why
Can't it be, can't it be mine

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