Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Istanbul Today....

Istanbul is tired today...
She's sad and old...a little bit fatter also...
and cried again....shed tears to the sea...
But's so beautiful...every season in Istanbul...
Especially if the rain stops before the evening ,then the maiden tower and the islands seem so unique...
I remember fishing in Istanbul..little kisses of my grandma..playing soccer on the street with my friends...i remember my favorite umbrella favorite street...where i was born...My first first teacher...i remember dad...i remembe rmy strong he mum was so brother was so lovable...
You don't know me...You don't know my past...what i did...Believe me...First time i feel i belong to someone...believe me ; i am not someone that i look like...especially in bed..your favorite question ; you'd be surprised if you'd know the answer...and sometimes, i do joke with you..just to see your reaction...i am not like others...even the..forget it..ain't matter to share with you...All you need to know is ;
It's not always easy to kiss someone...
It's not easy to make love without loving....without feeling...
It's not easy to get to know a body...Then getting used to it..and then losing it...
Maybe now you'll understand why i still couldn't get over with some things....
I am like Istanbul...
Cried enough...
Jealous...Unique...betrayed...Lovable...Not Asking for Love...but respect...
Going with the flow...
but with you...

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