IN or (and) OUTI really appreciate your dad. I see a very very Smart guy from what you have told me
Do you really want me IN ? You say so, but your actions do not match with what you say.
Your past is past.That's why we call it past. You have to be OUT from there. If you can not , then do not try to take me IN. There is no room available for every mindset there.
INYou want to create a Happy World around you. Have you ever thought about the fact that, when you are doing that , you are hurting me , the most powerful thing in this world that can make you happier than any other living organism ?
OUTContacting with "them" , leaving the door open to the others is putting me OUT of the loop. Do not tell me, you are not aware of it.
INI will be IN your life,as long as you mean it not just with your heart, but also with your actions.
OUTI will be OUT of one's life that does not respect me.
INYou are inside my mind all the time, every second, every day, every moment.
OUTI was out of your mind, when you have done all of those actions
IN & OUTTake a decision. If you want to keep me IN or OUT.
Just one remark ; You know how i always tell you that Life itself, is not written in the books..or in your "sources"..Life is something totally different, strange but also very beautiful. It just does not exist in the books. You expreince it, then you combine your experince with the books and then you create your own Reality.
You wanted to create your owns' w/o expreincing...You wanted to learn everything in a moment.But i have told you ; learning is a process. It is a process if you commit yourself and focus on it. You haven't. You have choosen to believe what was written in the books and what was right for you all the time.There's no certain right or wrong in this world. BUT there is togetherness.When it comes to that , you think before acting how that will effect your partner.Then you understand if it is good ( not right not wrong ) for the both of you.Meditation, inner piece, creating your own realty...They are the masterpieces of individualism. And that brings selfish actions together. Those are great tools, if you have patience. They will help you develop a lot, if you wanna learn and impelment to your life, not build up your life according to those tools. They just help you how to find the happiniess ; they do not make you Happy by themselves. And your happiniess, is INside you, not OUTside.You have to digest everything that you are learining, then once you are ready, once you have learnt sth truly, you turn the page to learn new things.Why do we fall, ? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up.
You just wanna start running once you are in the ground, w/o learning how to pcik up yourself in a proper way.